Summer 2019
6 Week Transformation Coaching Group
July 14 to August 25, 2019
A Focus on REAL FOOD for health, weight loss, and vibrant energy
This coaching program will help you learn how to structure your meals to be healthy, fat loss friendly, and ENJOYABLE!
Learn the LIFESTYLE changes that have the most impact
You will learn how to incorporate movement/exercise for maximum results without hurting yourself. You’ll also learn the importance of sleep, stress reduction, and joy in order to let go of food as an emotional crutch.
Learn how to avoid self-sabotage and achieve results you get to KEEP!
Learn how to let go of shame and embrace curiosity about what works for your ACTUAL body and life. This program is about putting you back in the driver’s seat of your life and health. #freedom
Create a real food template that shows you which foods make the most difference for fat loss without hunger and without supplements/gimmicks
Figure out how to eat a consistently healthy diet without feeling sad, deprived, restricted, or vaguely homicidal. 😉
Identify the triggers that lead you to eat in a way that makes you feel frustrated/bloated/ashamed later. To be clear: We are ALL emotional eaters but we also need a bigger toolbox.
Get on the same team with your body. Your body is doing its absolute best for you in every moment. You can accept your body as it is AND you can get curious about what is possible.
Get the support you need to start building momentum, generating results, and creating your own motivation. It’s really hard to do this alone and this is (I've been told) my biggest strength as a coach.
Escape the “on the wagon/off the wagon” diet roller coaster. This is an exhausting shame cycle of doom and it’s time to let this go. I’ll show you what DOES work instead, both now AND for the long term.
Avoid the modern diseases of aging. Heart disease, diabetes, degenerative arthritis, high blood pressure: Just because these are Get FREE of food fears, body shame, diet confusion, and angst about what we “should” be doing but most emphatically aren’t. In short, this is about freeing up your bandwidth so you can get on with the important business of living an epic life.
This is not a one-size-fits-all diet program or meal plan. We’ve all done them. They either give us short-term results or we quit and think it’s because we have no willpower. I will help you create your OWN unique diet and success formula that is based on YOUR unique lifestyle, health goals, and personal preferences.
This is not a DIY program. This is a hands-on, interactive program in which you’ll receive daily support, coaching, and feedback from yours truly.
This is NOT a program that will overwhelm you. My coaching is about minimizing friction, finding shortcuts, and making simple meals taste delicious. I ask you to commit about 30 mins a day to get the most out of the group but that is certainly not set in stone.
This is not for those who still have one foot in the “maybe I should just try shakes for a month” camp. This group is for those who are ready to figure this out once and for all because it matters.
This coaching program will take place entirely within a secret Facebook group.
The public will not be able to see that the group exists, much less who is in it or what is posted.
This is not a “woo woo, just feel good about where you are” program. This is for people who want to feel better and/or lose weight but also want to create the habits so these results last.
Q&A (Nuts and Bolts):
WHERE DOES THE COACHING GROUP HAPPEN? The coaching program takes place entirely inside a secret Facebook group.
HOW WILL I KNOW WHERE TO GO? You will be invited to join the Primal Transformations Summer Coaching group at 5pm CST on July 14th, the day coaching program launches. (The kickoff Facebook Live will start at 6pm CST.)
HOW WILL I BE NOTIFIED? You will receive an email AND a Facebook notification inviting you to join the group.
WHAT IS THE SCHEDULE? You will get an email outlining all of the live coaching events for the 6 week program so you can plan accordingly.
HOW MUCH TIME WILL THIS PROGRAM REQUIRE? You should plan on devoting at least 30 mins per day to the program to get the most benefit from this coaching group. Live Coaching events will take place 2x per week (Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon) and these will add an additional hour.
HOW IS THE GROUP STRUCTURED? There will be a new Learning Unit added each week. Each of these units will have practical resources and information that you can use immediately to make progress. There is no fluff or busy work!
Week 1: Mindset for Success (How to Get Out of Your Own Way!)
Week 2: Nutrition for Health and Body Composition
Week 3: Exercise/Movement
Week 4: Lifestyle: Sleep, Stress, Joy, Connection, and Purpose
Week 5: How to Stay Consistent When “Life” Happens
Week 6: Bringing it All Together: How to Make Progress, Avoid Drifting, and Stay on Your Own Team
I encourage you to read the testimonials below from past coaching group members. These are just a small sampling of the positive feedback from members. The breakthroughs that happen inside these coaching groups is simply astounding. If you come in with an open mind, engage with the content and with the other members, ask questions, stay open to feedback, and are willing to experiment, you are going to get good results and probably a lot better than you hoped for!
“It’s great to wake up in the morning without allergy symptoms, my clothes are fitting better, I have more energy, and I’m generally happier!”
“This program has been a real gift for myself. Thanks for helping me unwrap it! ”
“I owe Lisa more than I can put into words for how she’s changed my mindset and allowed me to love myself again. I highly recommend any opportunity you have to learn from this amazing woman!”
“This program helped me get back on track and level up. I spent time examining deep feelings and acknowledging that they have a huge impact. I did lose weight but I’m also feeling better about the scale. ”
“If you ever wondered how professional lifestyle coaching could benefit you, I highly recommend Lisa’s program. She is a true professional who loves helping others achieve their goals. I really appreciated her authentic and encouraging approach to teaching healthy concepts and most importantly how to overcome the mental obstacles when forming new habits. Lisa’s classes are truly a gift to yourself that you won’t regret!”